Hodges & Hodges Productions

  • "if I can touch and change one person’s life through the Ministry of Drama, then my mission has been accomplished".

    -Gigi Hodges

Select Works


  • Production

    At Hodges & Hodges Productions, we pride ourselves on turning concepts into captivating realities. With attention to detail and a commitment to excellence, we provide entertainment and excitement to all our productions.

  • Direction

    Let Hodges & Hodges Productions guide your project with expertise and vision. Our seasoned director brings passion and precision to every scene, ensuring your story is told with clarity and impact with an emphasis on theatrical performances.

  • Editing

    We at Hodges & Hodges Productions are available to read your work and assist in making necessary edits. We will spend time with your script from cover to cover to ensure no grammatical errors, and a compelling story is accomplished.

shop “hello. mom? it’s gigi”

“My mother Elizabeth left our family for the last time when I was six years old. Growing up without her was devastating. My sister and I were never allowed to see her or discuss her, my father forbid it. By the time I reached 18, I was filled with indifference. I no longer cared to hear her side of things. I resolved that if she didn't want me, I didn't need her. It would be 21 years before I would prepare myself to see her again. What would she say? What could she say? What I prepared myself for was far from what I found. Hello Mom, It's Gigi, chronicles the lives of two little girls growing up without their mother and all they would encounter on their journey to womanhood”.

- Gigi Hodges

With God all things are possible. I love this story, it shows how wrong or misinformed we can be. God and Love can heal all broken hearts.
— Anonoymous
This book caught my attention from front to back, it’s about the authors journey of finding herself while trying to figure out who her mother was....
— Eleanor S.
Having met Regina personally, I never would have suspected that she had experienced such a traumatic young life. She walks in the confidence...
— MO

Upcoming events.

Stay tuned for an exciting lineup of upcoming events at Hodges & Hodges Productions! From exclusive film showings to theatrical productions and more, our calendar is brimming with opportunities to connect, learn, and celebrate the art of storytelling.

Stay tuned for these upcoming Movie release dates:

Luisa Ibanez/Pro Content writer, director.

Florida Film House/!st Take Youth Film

We Care Films

Watch us in action!


Watch us in action! 〰️